I Know There Is a Purpose

The bearded seal suns on a floe
while a polar bear stalks it nearby
Biologists say it can smell its prey
up to twenty miles distant

The seal however is deprived
an open-air sense for predators
so it sprawls obtuse and unaware
of awful and white-pawed doom

Yet curiously the bearded one
is equipped with quaint curlicues
at the tips of its quill-like whiskers
Pray but to what purpose

I know there is one as surely
as I know that there is meaning
in the sequel of gore and sinew
which soon punctuates the ice

a period of silence then a pointed
exclamation a colon underlined
in red or two semi-colons perhaps
and myriad questionable marks

Why, then, do I doubt my own?

About Greg Wright

I have worn many hats as a writer and editor over the years. Unlike my scholarly and journalistic work from the "old days" at Hollywood Jesus, Past the Popcorn, or SeaTac Blog, the writing here is of a more overtly personal and spiritual nature. I hope it provokes you as much as it provokes me.
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