“Prélude, Fugue et Variation, Op. 18″

after a performance by Awadagin Pratt

He is a left-handed player in a right-handed world
reading charts, away from left and toward the right,
underscored by right-brained, right-handed composers.
Even the baton which conducts is clutched in the right.

He is a left-handed pianist in an underhanded world.
His weak hand tinkles and trills, carries the melody
and most of the harmony, warbles like a wren,
weaves wicked magic, inspires oohs and awe.

Once per bar
his strong hand
chords, counter-
balances melody
for good weight
and measures.

He is a left-handed victim of right-minded churls
who cannot cater or even lean toward the left.
It’s their right, their instruments conceived
by left-brained and tight-minded fingerers.

He is a left-handed rebel who creates a new world.
The tempo he follows leaves him, so far, left out.
Yet lend him a staff and he will eventually pen
a pièce de résistance on his own fugueing chart.

About Greg Wright

I have worn many hats as a writer and editor over the years. Unlike my scholarly and journalistic work from the "old days" at Hollywood Jesus, Past the Popcorn, or SeaTac Blog, the writing here is of a more overtly personal and spiritual nature. I hope it provokes you as much as it provokes me.
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